1. Wolverine Caucus: At Michigan – Robotics is a Team Sport!

    Mark Rivett posted March 23, 2018

    Tuesday, April 17, 2018

    Featured speaker: Professor Jessy Grizzle, UM College of Engineering, and fellow Robotics faculty and students

    MI State Capitol Building, Speaker’s Library, 2nd Floor
    100 N. Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933
    11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

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    Robot Cassie Blue

    U-M Robot “Cassie Blue”

    Come and meet “Cassie Blue” – the University of Michigan Robot that will be visiting the State Capitol. You’ll have a chance to interact with UM’s Robotics Institute students and faculty – and experience the enthusiasm of these technology wizards who are innovating the future! We’ll share incredibly interesting stories about the work of our Robotics team – and give you a first-hand peak into what the future holds! We know you’ll want to meet this very down-to-earth, fun, and inspiring group of people, and did we mention that there will be robots?!

    Professor Jessy Grizzle Jessy W. Grizzle is the Director of the Michigan Robotics Institute. He received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from The University of Texas at Austin in 1983. He is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, where he holds the titles of the Elmer Gilbert Distinguished University Professor and the Jerry and Carol Levin Professor of Engineering. He jointly holds sixteen patents dealing with emissions reduction in passenger vehicles through improved control system design. Professor Grizzle is an award-winning member of our faculty, receiving numerous and prestigious recognitions for his innovative work. His focus on bipedal locomotion has been featured on CNN, ESPN, Discovery Channel, The Economist, Wired Magazine, Discover Magazine, Scientific American and Popular Mechanics.

    Author: Veronica A. W. Johnson, Ph.D

    Director of the Lansing Service Center | veronicj@umich.edu | 517-372-7801