The Michigan State University Extension Center for Local Government Finance and Policy and Michigan State University Extension (MSUE), both in East Lansing, are partnering with finance experts from around the state to produce fiscal strategy memos and guides to assist local governments in navigating the new environment produced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first resource memos cover topics such as budget strategies using federal CARES Act funds, strategies for short- and long-term fiscal sustainability, strategies for managing operating expenses and spending cuts, and the potential effects on property taxes.

Stephanie Leiser; Ford School Lecturer in Public Policy
“This crisis, combined with the ongoing municipal funding challenges in Michigan, will require an even greater effort on behalf of local officials and administrators to quickly assess resources, respond to changing policies and legislation, and develop the tools and insights to maintain sustainable operations and budgets,” says Stephanie Leiser, leader of CLOSUP’s Local Fiscal Health project.