Can grocery delivery improve the health of pregnant women?
Are neighborhood entrepreneurship programs increasing economic mobility for low-income Detroiters?
What role could a modern greenhouse play in expanding the ancient African art of bead-making in Detroit?
These are research questions three teams of community and academic partners will tackle this year with support from the Detroit Urban Research Center and Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan. The grant program supports research projects focused on evaluating and strengthening interventions, programs, and policies that seek to prevent and alleviate poverty.

Professor, Health Behavior & Health Education
Director, Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center
“These community-academic partnerships build on the joint expertise and resources of the university and community organizations to address some of Detroit’s most pressing needs,” said Barbara Israel, director of the Detroit Urban Research Center and professor of health behavior and health education in the School of Public Health.
The three research teams selected for this year’s community-academic grants each received $26,500, a portion of which will go directly to the community partners to support their involvement in the project.