The Michigan Daily sat down with Cynthia Wilbanks, vice president of the Office of Government Relations, to discuss the University of Michigan’s efforts to work with officeholders and agencies at the local, state and federal level. Wilbanks and her office manage interactions with government officials in regard to legislative and regulatory policy that affects the University and its programs.
Cynthia H. Wilbanks: Vice President for the Office of Government Relations
“In this office, it’s relationships that are really the foundation of our work,” Wilbanks said. “We use opportunities that are both formal and informal to establish those relationships and they come in lots of different settings, so it’s not always going up to the state capital, it’s not always visiting with offices in Washington. It’s a variety of ways that we work on those relationships and the same is true for the community relations work.”
Maker Movement: Researching Making in Michigan Libraries
Libraries Engage: Benzonia Public Library
Front Row Left to Right: Kristin Fontichiaro, Clinical Associate Professor UM School of Information; Michelle Leines, Assistant Library Director Benzonia Library; Senator Darwin Booher Back Row: Jimmy McLaren, MAKER Coordinator