1. Confused About the Latest Mask Rules? Read This

    Mark Rivett posted May 17, 2021

    Read More at Michigan Health

    No matter where you fall on the mask spectrum, here are 9 things to know right now:

    1. The reason behind the new rule is that the vaccine works.
    2. Not vaccinated or not done with your shots yet? Keep that mask on indoors and in crowded outdoor settings.
    3. The vaccine may protect some people less – so they should keep wearing masks indoors and near others outdoors.
    4. The new rules about indoor masking don’t apply to all places.
    5. States, cities, businesses, school districts and institutions can still set their own mask requirements.
    6. Even if you’re fully vaccinated, but you want to keep wearing a mask, feel free – and don’t let anyone bully you out of it.
    7. Keep a mask handy just in case.
    8. If you are having work done by others in your home, you can ask them to wear a mask or show that they’ve been vaccinated.
    9. If you’re traveling, check the mask requirements at your destination.

    Read More at Michigan Health

  2. Ann Arbor, MI/UM team up for a Creative Campus Voting Project

    Mark Rivett posted May 14, 2021
    Read more at Election Online

    Following the passage of Proposition 18-3 (“Promote the Vote”) in Michigan in 2018, the Ann Arbor City Clerk’s Office began making plans to expand voter registration and absentee ballot opportunities for the 2020 election cycle, particularly with the more than 40,000 students at the University of Michigan.

    A November 2019 resolution of council directed the city administrator to make funding available in the city clerk budget to provide for expanded hours and an additional “satellite” office.

    “At this time, I began working with the government relations official at the University of Michigan to secure a location on campus,” City Clerk Jacqueline Beaudry explained. “Fortunately, in our situation, relationships were already in place between the city clerk’s office and those on campus involved in voter outreach efforts.”

    Meanwhile, at the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design professors Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich were ramping up with Creative Campus Voting Project.

    “The idea originated at the serendipitous intersection of several conversations across campus about student voter engagement,” Rowden and Smotrich explained. “As we were talking with Edie [Goldenberg (Political Science, Public Policy; and faculty advisor for the student org Turn Up Turnout)] about the best site for the satellite office, we were also in conversation with our partners at UMMA (University of Michigan Museum of Art) about building on our 2018 collaboration. We learned that due to Covid-19 UMMA’s beautiful, glassed-in gallery in the center of campus wouldn’t be used and — the lightbulb moment! — the idea of a satellite city clerk’s office in a gallery was born. Given our focus on using art and design to clarify and make the voting process more visible, the venue could not have been more fitting and the project aligned beautifully with UMMA’s commitment to foster civic engagement.”
    Read more at Election Online

  3. Public syllabus examines significance of Harris’ vice presidency

    Mark Rivett posted May 13, 2021

    Read More on The Record

    The University of Michigan has developed a collection of educational resources designed to help scholars, teachers, and learners at U-M and around the world examine the significance of Kamala Harris’ historic ascension to the U.S. vice presidency.

    The Democracy & Debate Theme Semester, in partnership with the National Center for Institutional Diversity in LSA, has launched the Kamala Harris Public Syllabus, which seeks to contextualize the inauguration of the first woman of color to hold the nation’s second-highest office.

    The syllabus reflects a national collaborative effort. A call inviting suggestions for books, articles, podcasts and other educational material was issued to scholars across the nation, with NCID receiving more than 100 suggestions. The submissions were curated by an editorial board of U-M faculty and staff.

    The materials are designed for classroom use and other avenues of critical engagement and debate. The editorial board anticipates that the collected materials will find their way into course syllabi and areas of engaged learning over the summer and well into the fall semester as Harris’ legacy and the Biden-Harris administration continue to unfold.

    Angela Dillard

    Angela Dillard, Professor of Afroamerican & African Studies

    “This collective public syllabus project is as much about the future as the past and the present,” said Angela Dillard, chair of the theme semester’s academic advisory committee, and professor of history, and of Afroamerican and African studies.

    Read More on The Record