Mark Rivett posted May 29, 2018

Governor Rick Snyder was joined by Rep. Joe Graves (R-Linden), Rep. Kevin Hertel (D-St. Clair Shores), representatives from the business and non-profit community, as well as the members of the UM Unemployment Clinic commemorating the passage of the recent Unemployment Insurance Act overhaul.
When Representative Joe Graves wanted to fix the Michigan unemployment insurance system that wasn’t working he called on the experts from the University of Michigan Law School Unemployment Insurance Clinic to help. Rep. Graves assembled a bi-partisan workgroup that included Clinic Director and Clinical Assistant Professor Steve Gray and law student members of the MLAW Clinic.

From left to right:
Clinical Assistant Professor of Law Steve Gray, MLAW students Schuyler Ferguson, Seth Tangman and Lauren Fitzsimons, and Representative Kevin Hertel (D-St. Clair Shores)
Seventeen members of the workgroup representing both employers, claimants and the Unemployment Insurance Agency collaborated to craft legislation to address problems with the existing system. In October 2017 eight bills were introduced to the Michigan House of Representatives. Two weeks later those bills passed the House with unanimous support.
A month later those same bills unanimously passed the Michigan Senate. The legislation was signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder in December 2017.
Professor Gray made note of the Clinic’s participation in the process.
“What a great experience for law students to be a part of this unique bi-partisan lawmaking workgroup and to be involved at every stage of the process to help fix serious problems that impact so many families in financial crisis across the state. Clinic faculty and students were involved in research, analysis and bill drafting as well as legislative committee testimony to support the legislative fixes.”
Professor Gray has proposed a policy clinic course for students. His proposal was approved by the University of Michigan Law School, and the course will be offered in fall 2018.
Category: All News and Events, DEI News and Events, Lansing News and Events, Rebecca DeVooght, State News and EventsComments Off on University of Michigan Law School Students Testify on Unemployment Overhaul Unanimously Supported by Michigan House and Senate
Mark Rivett posted April 24, 2018
April 17 Wolverine Caucus
Professor Jessy Grizzle, and fellow robotics faculty and students visited Lansing with Cassie Blue
View WILX TV-10 coverage of the visit

From left to right: Adarash Mishra, Zach Poszar, and Cedric Bernard who are part of the IGV student team. Damen Provost (Managing Director of the Robotics Institute), Cassie Blue, Ross Hartley (Robotics Ph.D. candidate), Kimberly Mann (Unit Administrator of the Robotics Institute), Professor Ella Atkins (Robotics Graduate Chair), and Professor Jessy Grizzle (Director of the Robotics Institute).

Director of the Robotics Institute Professor Jessy Grizzle, District 84 Representative Ed Canfield, and District 53 Representative Yousef Rabhi watch Cassie Blue under the control of Ross Hartley.

District 15 Representative Abdullah Hammoud poses with Cassie Blue

From left to right; Ross Hartley, Cassie Blue, Jessy Grizzle, District 73 Representative Chris Afendoulis, and Damen Provost

Jessy Grizzle speaks with WILX-TV-10 about Michigan Robotics

Veronica Johnson, Director of the Lansing Service Center poses with Cassie Blue.
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Mark Rivett posted March 23, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Featured speaker:
Professor Jessy Grizzle, UM College of Engineering, and fellow Robotics faculty and students
MI State Capitol Building, Speaker’s Library, 2nd Floor
100 N. Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
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U-M Robot “Cassie Blue”
Come and meet “Cassie Blue” – the University of Michigan Robot that will be visiting the State Capitol. You’ll have a chance to interact with UM’s Robotics Institute students and faculty – and experience the enthusiasm of these technology wizards who are innovating the future! We’ll share incredibly interesting stories about the work of our Robotics team – and give you a first-hand peak into what the future holds! We know you’ll want to meet this very down-to-earth, fun, and inspiring group of people, and did we mention that there will be robots?!
Jessy W. Grizzle is the Director of the Michigan Robotics Institute. He received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from The University of Texas at Austin in 1983. He is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, where he holds the titles of the Elmer Gilbert Distinguished University Professor and the Jerry and Carol Levin Professor of Engineering. He jointly holds sixteen patents dealing with emissions reduction in passenger vehicles through improved control system design. Professor Grizzle is an award-winning member of our faculty, receiving numerous and prestigious recognitions for his innovative work. His focus on bipedal locomotion has been featured on CNN, ESPN, Discovery Channel, The Economist, Wired Magazine, Discover Magazine, Scientific American and Popular Mechanics.
Author: Veronica A. W. Johnson, Ph.D
Director of the Lansing Service Center | [email protected] | 517-372-7801
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