U-M’s Public Service Intern Program (PSIP) celebrated its 5Oth year in 2019 and, unbelievably, the students in the 51st cohort of PSIP have experienced a program year like no other. Through it all, they have been extremely impressive, working hard on their internship searches and engaging in all components of the intern program. Like others across the country, many students had their initial plans in DC canceled. Our PSIP students persisted and applied for remote internships. We are pleased to report many successfully landed summer internships. Over 75 internships were secured by PSIPers this summer!!See a snapshot of some PSIP remote student internships at the end to learn about successes this summer.
PSIP Pivots to Virtual Internships for 51st Cohort
Mark Rivett posted August 5, 2020Category: Federal News and EventsComments Off on PSIP Pivots to Virtual Internships for 51st Cohort
VP for Government Relations Cynthia Wilbanks announces year-end retirement
Mark Rivett posted July 15, 2020Cynthia H. Wilbanks, who has served as the University of Michigan’s vice president for government relations for 22 years, will retire at year’s end. She shared the news with colleagues this week.
Wilbanks, a U-M alumna, directs the university’s government relations efforts at the local, state and federal levels. She also serves as special adviser to President Mark Schlissel on the development and growth of the University Research Corridor as well as non-research based external economic development activities.
Cynthia H. Wilbanks: Vice President for the Office of Government Relation
“It’s been an incredible privilege to work with the leadership of U-M, across the institution and across the state, to expand and promote the impact of this university on the people of our great state,” Wilbanks said.
“It has also been an honor to work with so many others in higher education and with those in local, state and federal government to expand the reach of U-M and to help improve the lives of state residents.”Her responsibilities as vice president include planning and developing the institution’s response to proposed legislation, developing and maintaining effective relationships with governmental agencies and officials, and analyzing and assessing legislative, administrative and regulatory activities as they pertain to university programs, activities and operations. State outreach activities, and the Economic Growth Institute also report to her.
Category: All News and Events, Community News and Events, Federal News and Events, Outreach News and Events, State News and EventsComments Off on VP for Government Relations Cynthia Wilbanks announces year-end retirement
Michigan Public Health Experts Coronavirus Information and Updates
Mark Rivett posted March 24, 2020Part of our work at Michigan Public Health is to protect health and health care systems while minimizing the spread of disease. As COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, continues to spread we are sharing these resources from faculty at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.
Here is a current list of informational articles featuring Michigan Public Health experts. We encourage you to read and share these resources as broadly as you are able throughout your networks.
Category: All News and Events, Community News and Events, Federal News and Events, Lansing News and Events, Outreach News and Events, State News and EventsComments Off on Michigan Public Health Experts Coronavirus Information and Updates