Mark Rivett posted August 31, 2022
Read Full Story on the Economic Growth Institute Website
The Economic Growth Institute is participating in a new initiative supporting downriver Detroit communities. The U.S. Economic Development Administration has awarded a $1.6 million grant to support the Downriver Riverfront Communities Economic Recovery Implementation Project. The grant will help the region invest in its communities and businesses as two coal plant sites are decommissioned.

Steve Wilson, Executive Director, EGI
“The team at DCC saw opportunity in what could be a difficult transition. The downriver area has tremendous resources, and it’s exciting for EGI to be a part of putting their vision into action. We are looking forward to working with the DCC as they scale their economic development capacity these next three years.”
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Mark Rivett posted January 5, 2022
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In this episode of Michigan Minds, Director of the Economic Growth Institute (EGI) Steve Wilson discusses the ways in which EGI works with businesses and communities to help them mitigate challenges and create positive economic impact.
Wilson explains how EGI’s work is focused at the intersection of industry, communities, and innovation, helping companies navigate the innovation ecosystem.

Steven B. Wilson; Senior Research Program Officer, Director of Innovation Services and Director of the Economic Growth Institute at the University of Michigan
“Ultimately EGI’s goal is to retain and create jobs, and increase investment and economic growth. We do that by leveraging the knowledge and resources of the University of Michigan to assist communities and industries throughout the state,” he says.
He also provides insights on potential challenges facing businesses in 2022, including talent shortages and continued supply chain disruptions. He also discusses energy transition.
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Mark Rivett posted September 30, 2021
Read more about the conference here
Read Ashlee Breitner’s biography here
October 4-6, 2021
Cleveland, Ohio
Ashlee Breiner to present on October 5th at 2:00pm

Associate Director of the Economic Growth Institute, Ashlee Breitner
Women are constantly making decisions and are involved in decision making processes within their careers, their extra curricular activities and their personal lives. As a woman, do you ever feel like your voice is not always heard? Are the decisions made in your organization done so in an unbiased way that truly is in the best interest of all?
This presentation will teach you about a proven decision making process that drives consensus, removes unconscious bias, ensures acceptance and is transparent. Whether it’s a strategic plan, a committee’s fundraising plan or just everyday life decisions, our decisions are often not made in an equitable manner that will provide the optimal value.
The presentation will teach you the 5 steps in the Allovance Decision Making Method and walk you through a decision making simulation to show how this proven method helps decisions to be made in a way that helps to ensure equity for all who are involved in the process.
Category: All News and Events, Economic Growth Institute, State News and EventsComments Off on Associate Director of the Economic Growth Institute, Ashlee Breitner to present at Women in Manufacturing Conference