Mark Rivett posted June 27, 2022

    Read Full Statement Here

    The University of Michigan and Michigan Medicine remain committed to providing high quality, safe reproductive care for patients, across all their reproductive health needs. This includes abortion care, which remains legal in Michigan, even following today’s U.S. Supreme Court opinion. While the state of Michigan has a 1931 abortion ban on the books, a recent Michigan Court of Claims order has temporarily blocked enforcement of that ban. Michigan Medicine will continue to offer abortion care for patients needing hospital-level care.

    “I strongly support access to abortion services, and I will do everything in my power as president to ensure we continue to provide this critically important care.

    “Our campus is more than half women; we care about our own communities as well as those we serve through clinical care and education. I am deeply concerned about how prohibiting abortion would affect U-M’s medical teaching, our research, and our service to communities in need.”

    Read Full Statement Here

  2. Art in the Legislature UM Ann Arbor Nominee: Shannon Zheng

    Mark Rivett posted May 10, 2022

    On May 17th, 2022 Shannon Zheng was selected as an Art in the Legislator winner.

    American Peony

    American Peony

    American Peony

    The Art in the Legislature Program displays and celebrates the work of excellent student artists from Michigan’s 15 public universities each year, and their respective works are displayed in the Anderson House Office Building, or the Binsfeld Senate Building, for one year.

    Artist Statement:

    Shannon Zheng

    When the “Asian culture” simulacrum is prioritized over the reality of racialized violence against Asian-presenting femme bodies, we become the absent referent. To those who read this as a representation of what it means to be Asian-American, this painting suffers, existing in a perpetual hyperreality of scrambling to represent a false racial monolith.

  3. U-M extends Go Blue Guarantee, $15 minimum wage to all campuses

    Mark Rivett posted June 23, 2021

    Read More on the Record

    The University of Michigan will extend the Go Blue Guarantee ­— its landmark promise of four years of free tuition for qualifying Michigan residents — to the Dearborn and Flint campuses.

    Beginning this fall, full-time, high-achieving in-state undergraduate students attending UM-Dearborn and UM-Flint will automatically qualify for the award if they have a family income of $65,000 or less and assets less than $50,000.

    The Board of Regents voted June 17 to broaden the commitment to the two regional campuses during its meeting to determine the 2021-22 fiscal year budget. The expansion will not change the aid provided to students on the Ann Arbor campus.

    President Mark Schlissel

    Mark Schlissel: University of Michigan President

    “Our budget supports the families of our state and the academic excellence of our students by promising that outstanding students who work hard in their studies will be able to afford a Michigan education — on all three of our campuses,” President Mark Schlissel said. “I thank the many individuals in our community whose passion and commitment to affordability have helped us achieve this moment in the great history of the University of Michigan.”

    The expansion to Dearborn and Flint will include budgetary support from the Ann Arbor campus for at least six years as the programs become established, and the guarantee will be a focus of fundraising in the years ahead.

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