On September 20, 2019 @ 7:30-9:30am The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce held an event at Saginaw Valley State University. The purpose was to examine the economic impact of autonomous vehicles’ technology with a goal is to educate members about autonomous vehicles, inform members that they are the future of tech and transportation and the economic impact of them from a business perspective.
Moderator: Senator Ken Horn—sponsor of SB378 Michigan R&D Tax Credits
Background: Former Senator Mike Kowall – he had the original idea for the bill that Ken put together.
Connectivity: Gavin Goetz – AT&T
Information Technology: Robin Milavec from Nexteer
History/Economic impact: Greg McGuire Representative from UM’s MCity
Each panelists had approximately 10 minutes to present and answer questions. Nexteer brought a stationary autonomous vehicle and had a few demo tables.